A Night in the ED: Jessika Board’s Story of Compassion and Resilience

On an otherwise typical evening in the Emergency Department (ED), the charge nurse for that night, Jessika Board encountered a situation that exemplifies both the challenges and the dedication in nursing.

Jessika was seated at the nurses’ station when a patient became increasingly agitated and began yelling at another nurse. Demonstrating her commitment to patient care and team member safety, Jessika intervened to deescalate the situation. Unfortunately, the patient’s behavior escalated into physical violence, resulting in the patient spitting in Jessika’s face and biting her hand as she tried to place the patient in restraints.

While such incidents are not exceedingly common in the ED, they do occur. Jessika explains, “Oftentimes, we are able to redirect or deescalate the patient before staff becomes injured.” However, the unpredictable nature of the ED means that nurses must be prepared for any scenario.

Remaining calm in the face of such behavior, especially from patients with mental health issues, is crucial. Jessika approaches these situations with empathy and understanding. “When working with mental health patients, I remind myself that these patients are not thinking rationally. They often can’t make rational decisions. I try not to take anything too personal, even when they are being verbally abusive,” she shares.

Jessika hopes that the general public gains a better understanding of the multifaceted nature of emergency nursing from her experience. “A lot of people do not realize all the different aspects of emergency nursing. Many patients we care for daily require some sort of mental health evaluation. Each day, I have no idea what kind of patients I will encounter. My whole goal is to take care of patients and keep them and my staff from getting hurt.”

Her career choice was deeply influenced by her innate desire to help others and her mother’s example as an ED nurse. “Ever since I was young, I have always enjoyed helping wherever I can. My mom was an ED nurse, and that gave me some motivation to go this route.”

Despite the challenges, Jessika finds motivation in her coworkers and the occasional expressions of gratitude from patients. “My coworkers definitely help through those days. We are like a family and all of us step in when needed. Even though we get a lot of complaints and agitated patients, I remind myself that they are going through a rough time. They are obviously hurt or not feeling well in some way and grumpy because of that. I try not to take things too personally. I continue to provide the best care I can for the patients regardless of how they act.”

She adds, “It is crazy how things work out. Often, on a rough shift, there will be one or two patients who voice how grateful they are for the care that we provide. That is always a great reminder of why I am in this profession.”

Jessika’s story is a testament to the resilience, compassion, and dedication of healthcare professionals. Her closing words resonate with a simple yet powerful message: “Kill ’em with kindness.”

At Hutchinson Regional Healthcare System, we are grateful for nurses like Jessika, who embody the spirit of care and commitment that defines our mission. Thank you, Jessika, for your unwavering dedication and for reminding us all of the importance of compassion in healthcare.

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