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Announcement: Due to snow, all of our buildings are closed Monday, Jan 6th. If you need medications, call 620-663-7595. If you are in crisis, call 800-794-0163 or go to your local ER.

Financial Information

Financial Information

Committed to the success of your treatment and care

Please understand that payment of your bill is part of this treatment and care process. Horizons will not deny necessary and appropriate services to anyone solely due to the inability to pay. Fees charged by Horizons may be adjusted or reduced to comply with applicable regulations.

For your convenience, we have answered a variety of commonly asked financial and office policy questions. If you need further information about any of these policies, our Patient Account Representatives will be more than happy to answer any questions and will assist you in the application process.

NOTICE TO PATIENTS: This practice serves all patients regardless of inability to pay. Discounts for essential services are offered based on family size and income.

Call 620-663-7595 with questions or to make your appointment today.

Employment Opportunities