

Comfort and Care in Difficult Times​

If you or a loved one is diagnosed with a life-limiting illness, our Hospice Care Services can provide enhanced comfort, enable higher physical functioning, and promote a greater sense of well-being during the final months and days of life.

Hospice care includes a comprehensive and coordinated program of services in a patient’s home, nursing home or long-term facility, or at our Hospice House. Physical, emotional, psychosocial, and spiritual care is available from an interdisciplinary team under the direction of an attending physician.

Our focus during this phase is gentle care and maximum comfort. Our team of compassionate professionals includes physicians, nurses, social workers, chaplains, therapists, home health aides and volunteers. Everyone on our team works together to honor family choices, while allowing the patient to live life as fully as possible.

Patient and Family Support
We come alongside our patients and their family members during this difficult time with:

  • Pain and symptom management
  • Emotional and spiritual counseling
  • Bereavement services (15 months minimum)
  • Medications, equipment and supplies related to diagnosis
  • Restorative and alternative therapies
  • Volunteer assistance
  • 24-hour availability

Physical Support
Pain and symptom management are important aspects of care. Hospice strives to ensure that the patient is kept physically comfortable. In terms of comfort care, most of what is done in the hospital can be managed at home, in the nursing home/long-term care facility, or at our Hospice House.

Emotional and Social Support
There is a significant psychological challenge for the terminally ill patient and his/her family. Facing death may bring about a sense of fear and anxiety. Addressing grief and loss issues enhances the ability to cope. Patients and families are often concerned about significant changes in their health and the pending death of a loved one. Knowing the family is receiving support is important for the patient’s peace of mind. Support for the caregiver is offered to enhance caregiver coping skills.

Spiritual Support
Patients may have questions and needs relating to life and death. Spiritual care during a terminal illness affirms the worth of the patient and the meaning of their life. The Hospice chaplain is available to provide spiritual care to patients and their families.

Bereavement Support
Bereavement care is offered for families for 15 months following the patient’s death. Support is offered through memorial services, mailings, and various individual and/or group meetings.

For information and questions about Hospice Care,
please call 800-267-6891.

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