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Hospice Team Members

Hospice Team Members

Hospice care is a family centered team approach.

The team works together focusing on the patient’s needs – physical, psychological, social and spiritual. The team further provides spiritual and supportive counseling and education to the patient and their family. Our team includes a group of dedicated, caring individuals to provide end-of-life care for each patient.  Each team includes a:


The patient’s primary care physician continues to direct the patient’s care unless the patient chooses otherwise.

Case Manager

A registered nurse acts as the patient’s case manager and works closely with the patinet’s primary care physician or medical director to ensure the patient is comfortable.  Pain and symptom management is the case manager’s primary concern.  The case manager makes regularly scheduled visits.  Consultations and support for the patient and family members are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Social Worker

A social worker provides counseling to the patient and family members to assist them through the end-of-life process.  The social worker obtains or directs others to the resources necessary to provide optimum care for the patient.


A chaplain is available to provide spiritual support for the patient and/or family members, if desired.  The chaplain can also serve as a liaison between the family’s clergy and Hospice & HomeCare of Reno County.

Home Health Aide

A home health aide assists the patient with personal care, including bathing, shampooing and nail care.


Volunteers are available to assist the patient or family.  Volunteers can provide respite care for the family or assist the patient with chores or running errands.  Our volunteers provide many “extra touches” such as pet therapy and manicures.

Therapies for Quality of Life

  • Physical therapy may provide services to address safety and independence with ambulation /mobility, fall prevention, pain management, and caregiver training.
  • Occupational therapy may provide services to address safety and independence with daily activities, caregiver training, positioning needs, fall prevention, and equipment training.
  • Speech therapists may provide services to address swallow or communication issues or concerns. They may train caregivers or make recommendations for diet, oral exercises, or communication methods.
Employment Opportunities