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Celebrating Duane Anstine’s 25 Years of Volunteer Service

Join us in celebrating Duane Anstine’s incredible 25-year journey of volunteer service at Hutchinson Regional Healthcare System. From assisting wheelchair-bound patients to offering comfort in the ICU waiting room, Duane’s dedication and kindness have touched countless lives. As he retires from volunteering on his 90th birthday, we honor his unwavering commitment and the lasting impact he’s made on our community. Read on to discover his inspiring story.

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Heroes of the Hospital

Heroes of the Hospital

“I’m not sure I will ever be able to repay my gratitude for the people who loved my parents while at Hutch Regional. They didn’t just work to heal their ailments, but truly loved on them. It was remarkable to experience,” said Kent. “These people, the nurses, are the heroes of the hospital. I always believed it about my mom and it is true for your staff as well.”

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Indoor Air Quality at HRHS

Indoor Air Quality at HRHS Hutchinson Regional Health System has several protective measures designed into our facilities’ building systems that improve indoor air quality and

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