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Mask Requirement at Hutch Regional Effective Until Further Notice

Mask Requirement at Hutch Regional Effective Until Further Notice

Hutchinson Regional Healthcare System’s (HRHS) mask requirement will remain effective, as it has throughout the past year, until further notice. All visitors to the HRHS campus are required to wear a mask at all times while on the premises. Visitors to Hutchinson Regional who enter the hospital without a mask will be provided one at no charge.

This reminder comes in response to a decision by the Reno County Commission to opt-out of the state’s mask mandate effective March 24.

As a health care organization, we take every precaution to prevent the spread of infections. We have made enormous strides in our 12-month battle to contain COVID-19 in our community. It is simply not advisable at this time to take risks that may slow our progress.

Our top responsibility at Hutchinson Regional is to provide a safe and secure environment for our patients and their families. Mask wearing not only protects our patients and families, but also the employees and providers within HRHS. A mask is required to enter HRMC and should be worn while moving about within the Hospital.

As healthcare professionals, we empathize with the minor inconvenience of wearing a mask, we believe the benefits far exceed any discomfort. We hope that mask diligence within Hutchinson Regional may hasten the day when we can all return to a new sense of normalcy, which may include family gatherings, attendance at athletic events, and summer recreational activities.

I commend and thank everyone for your cooperation in working with our staff to provide a safe environment for those who entrust their care to Hutchinson Regional.

This crisis has made Hutchinson Regional and our medical community stronger and better prepared for the next crisis to come our way. Speaking for our leadership team, I could not be prouder of this consummate group of professionals that provide compassionate care at Hutchinson Regional.

Ken Johnson

Ken Johnson

President and CEO of Hutchinson Regional Healthcare System

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